

Network for International Student Advisors

大專校院境外學生輔導人員支援體系計畫-資訊交流平台- 常見問答FAQ

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    入出境 Arrival and Departure 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 請問入境許可證限港澳生申請,停留簽證限僑生及外國學生申請嗎? 港澳生申請入境許可後即不必申請停留簽證嗎? Is the entry permit only for students from Hong Kong and Macao, and is the visitor visa only for overseas Chinese students and foreign students? Does this mean that students from Hong Kong and Macao do not need to apply for a visitor visa after applying for the entry permit? 2024-08-28 51
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 停留簽證轉換至居留簽證時,留臺期限是否為原停留簽證期限? When a visitor visa is converted to a resident visa, is the permitted duration of stay the same as that of the original visitor visa? 2024-08-28 42
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 學生辦理簽證時因財力證明不足被退件,由於各校基準不同,在審查財力證明時會有相對的落差,是否能請外館訂定統一財力證明基準,以避免學生來回奔波導致領證時間拖延影響抵臺時間? In light of the fact that a visa application may be rejected due to insufficient proof of financial support, considering that each university has different standards that may lead to discrepancies when reviewing proof of financial support, would it be possible for overseas missions to set uniform standards for proof of financial support to save students time in obtaining financial evidence documents and avoid delayed visa processing and delayed arrival in Taiwan? 2024-08-28 40
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 學生在臺灣若要就讀不同學制是否需要更換簽證?Do students need to change visas if they intend to study in different programs in Taiwan? 2024-08-28 43
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 學生居留證高中時期由學校統一申請,上大學後可否自行申請帳號辦理展延,還是得委託原高中辦理?學生忘記帳號時,可否直接重新註冊帳號? 2024-08-28 42
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 學生欲前往外交部領事事務局將停留簽證換成居留簽證時,據該局表示現已可使用停留簽證申請居留證,此項新規定是否屬實?The newest regulations set by the Bureau of Consular Affairs indicate that students who wish to apply with the Bureau to convert their visitor visa into resident visa can now use their visitor visa to apply for the ARC. Is this true? 2024-08-28 43
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 居留證逾期失效能於臺灣辦理嗎?有返回母國辦理的必要性嗎?Can an expired ARC be renewed in Taiwan? Or does the holder need to return to their home country to handle the renewal? 2024-08-28 42
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 在臺就讀語言學校後接著就讀學位的簽證轉換規定是什麼? What are the applicable regulations in Taiwan for converting a visa for studying at a language school to a visa for pursuing a degree? 2024-08-28 41
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外國學生若持停留簽證來臺,並在臺更換居留證,僅需檢附入學許可或在學證明(含學生證),那先前辦理居留簽證需檢附的學歷查驗是否可以不做?若學歷驗證可不做,學生是否可要求申請停留簽證來臺? 2024-08-28 51
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 建議移民署資訊系統提供通知居留證即將逾期功能,才不會錯過申請時間。Please consider adding a feature to the National Immigration Agency’s information system that notifies ARC holders when the ARC is about to expire, to help them avoid missing application deadlines. 2024-08-28 39