

Network for International Student Advisors

大專校院境外學生輔導人員支援體系計畫-資訊交流平台- 常見問答FAQ

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    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 1.交換學生於出國交換期間居留證過期,該如何處理為妥? 2.交換期滿畢業後,如何返臺就業? 3.請問交換期間,健保該如何處理? 1. What should be done if an exchange student's residence permit expires during their exchange period abroad? 2. After completing an exchange program, how can an exchange student return to Taiwan for employment? 3.During an exchange period, how should such students' National Health Insurance be handled? 2024-02-15 197
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 1.僑外生入境後的居留證申請期限原是15天內,現在是否已改為30天?2.畢業後在臺覓職期是否已從原本1年改為2年?1. Has the ARC application period for overseas students been extended from the original 15 days to 30 days? 2. Has the post-graduation job search period in Taiwan been extended from the original 1 year to 2 years? 2024-02-15 182
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 港澳新生線上申請居留證,應傳必要文件達10項,前經反映已提供8項必要文件上傳欄位,惟仍有在學證明與居住證明等2項文件需上傳於其他項,為避免漏傳,建議於系統中必要文件均建立上傳欄位,以降低申請人員錯誤機率,並提升系統使用效率。New students from Hong Kong and Macau applying for ARC online are required to upload 10 necessary documents. Feedback has noted that specific upload sections are provided for 8 of the necessary documents. However, 2 documents – proof of enrollment and proof of residence – still need to be uploaded under other categories. To avoid any oversight, it is recommended to provide designated upload section for all necessary documents within the system. This will reduce the likelihood of applicants’ errors and enhance the efficiency of the system. 2024-02-15 132
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外僑居留證之領取可否改為郵寄或提供其他領取方式?Is it possible to change the method of receiving the Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) to mailing or provide alternative ways of collecting it? 2024-02-15 128
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 港澳生大四出國交換,是否會影響在臺的居留權利?若交換期滿畢業後,想留臺「創業」,需申請何種簽證?該如何辦理?If a student from Hong Kong and Macau in their fourth year goes abroad for an exchange program, will that have any impact on their residence rights in Taiwan? If they wish to stay in Taiwan for "entrepreneurship" after completing the exchange program and graduation, what type of visa do they need to apply for, and how should they proceed? 2024-02-15 141
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 如果在臺發生重大意外需留臺休養,需辦理休學以不影響學業成績,但辦理休學後又須依限離臺,請問移民署是否有任何救濟管道? If a student encounters a severe accident in Taiwan that requires them to stay in Taiwan for recuperation, and needs to suspend their studies to avoid affecting their academic performance, but they are then required to leave Taiwan within a time limit after suspending studies, is there any remedy available from the National Immigration Agency? 2024-02-15 183
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 學生在校外工讀期間,公司幫忙加健保,但沒有工作後,公司即無繼續加保,學生也無告知學校,等到使用健保卡時始發現要續繳保費,請問有無主動提醒同學繳交保費的機制。Students are covered by National Health Insurance (NHI) through their employers during their part-time off-campus work, However, when they no longer have a job, the employer stops providing coverage, and the students may not inform the university. It's only when they try to use their NHI card that they realize they need to pay premiums. Is there a mechanism in place to automatically remind students to pay their premiums? 2024-02-15 133
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student 請問僑保是否屬於強制性保險?Does overseas Chinese student insurance count as mandatory insurance? 2024-02-15 136
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 入境未滿6個月的僑生,若同時有僑生身分,又有臺灣身分證及健保卡,是否還能投保僑保? If an overseas Chinese student who has been in Taiwan for less than 6 months holds both overseas Chinese student status and possesses a Taiwanese National ID Card and a NHI card, can they still apply for overseas Chinese student insurance? 2024-02-15 136
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 港澳生畢業後留臺創業,勞保、健保應該如何處理?After graduating, if students from Hong Kong and Macau decide to stay in Taiwan for entrepreneurship, how should they handle labor insurance and National Health Insurance? 2024-02-15 140