

Network for International Student Advisors

大專校院境外學生輔導人員支援體系計畫-資訊交流平台- 常見問答FAQ

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    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 可否開放讓持有居留證的外籍輔導老師不需要自然人憑證就可以審核學生的工作證或是線上代辦居留證? Can foreign teachers who hold an ARC review a student's work permit or apply for a resident certificate for someone online without a citizen digital certificate? 2022-06-29 434
    其他 Other 僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 僑務委員會輔助的社團活動經費項目可不可以流用? Can Overseas Community Affairs Council funding support for student activities be used for other purposes? 2022-06-29 419
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 新居留證號因許多政府機構還沒認可而不能使用,給外國人帶來許多困擾,導致學生要新舊交替使用。 The new resident certificate number cannot be used because it has not been recognized by all government agencies, which causes inconveniences for foreigners and causes students to have to alternate between the old and new one. 2022-06-29 416
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 若僑外生畢業後在臺就業,健保卡是否要換新?再透過公司投保嗎? If an overseas Chinese or foreign student finds a job in Taiwan after graduation, do they need to renew their health insurance card? Does insurance have to be applied through the company? 2022-06-29 439
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 健保費申請清寒減免是每年都需要更新嗎? Does the health insurance fee waiver for those with financial hardship have to be renewed annually? 2022-06-29 443
    其他 Other 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 學習教育專業希望在臺成為專業教職人員,雖然成為臺灣國民即可任教,但若不想放棄母國國籍的人士則完全喪失機會,有無可能在未來有政策改變或放寬? Those who study education and want to pursue a professional teaching career in Taiwan must be Taiwanese nationals, but if they do not want to give up their nationality of their home country, they will lose the opportunity. Is there a possible policy amendment in the future? 2022-06-29 453
    其他 Other 僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 希望OCAC能常年辦理「在臺僑生認識臺灣研習營」。 Can OCAC organize the "Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan Getting to Know Taiwan Workshop" all year round? 2022-06-29 378
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student 持外國護照入境之僑外生可否跟港澳人士一樣,入境後即可申請統一證號,以便開戶? Can overseas Chinese and foreign students with foreign passports, like those from Hong Kong and Macao, apply for a Unified Number (UI No.) after entering the country so that they can open bank accounts? 2022-06-27 403
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 香港籍新生若於大陸出生,未持有效期之回鄉證便不能辦理居留證,有任何解套方式嗎?(因為疫情關係,香港和臺灣各要隔離21天,若需回去辦理將花費大筆費用和時間。) A new HK student born in Mainland China cannot apply for Resident Certificate without a valid Mainland Travel Permit for HK and Macao Residents (Home Return Permit). Are there ways around this? (Due to the pandemic, one must undergo 21 days of quarantine in HK and Taiwan, which is costly and time-consuming.) 2022-06-27 433
    簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 法令修改後港澳生首次線上申請居留證時需上傳「香港澳門居民申請居留定居申報書」,惟現行系統內並無特別註明上傳位置,導致遭審查需補正,影響申辦時效及增加審查人員業務量,建議系統能予調整修正,俾利加速行政效能。 After amending the law, HK and Macao students must upload the "Declaration Form for Hong Kong and Macao Residents Applying for Residence and Settlement" when applying for Resident Certificate online for the first time. However, the current system does not specify upload location, which results in a need to provide supplemental materials when under review, affects the application time frame, and increases reviewers' workload. The system should be adjusted to help speed up administrative efficiency. 2022-06-27 402