

Network for International Student Advisors

大專校院境外學生輔導人員支援體系計畫-資訊交流平台- 常見問答FAQ

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    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 僑外生畢業後留臺找工作,須至各地鄉區公所加保健保,是否必須用新式居留證號加保?另外如果學生轉換學校是否可續用舊證號? 2022-05-06 399
    輔導 Advising 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 境外學生遇精神疾病宜強制就醫時,一般學校可以怎麼處理?有什麼資源可以利用? 2022-05-06 561
    輔導 Advising 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 當境外學生在離島發生車禍意外,可以如何協助學生? 2022-05-06 407
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 僑生、外籍生應繳納多少保險費, 如何繳納? How much insurance premium overseas Chinese students and international students must pay and how should they pay it? 2021-05-03 1276
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 那些外籍學生需辦理居留健康檢查? Which foreign students applying for resident visa are required to undergo medical examination? 2021-01-15 807
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外籍學生居留健康檢查項目有那些? What are the required items of medical examination for foreign students applying for resident visa? 2021-01-15 876
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外籍學生為辦理居留簽證,應去哪些醫院辦理健檢? Where should can foreign students go for their medical examination? 2021-01-15 887
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外籍學生持停留簽證入境,入境後再改申請為居留簽證者應到那裡辦理健檢? For foreign students who have entered Taiwan with a visitor visa, where can they go for medical examination if they want to change to resident visa? 2021-01-15 903
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外籍學生居留健康檢查若有不合格項目,應該如何處理? What happens if the foreign student fails a medical examination requirement? 2021-01-15 884
    健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外交部駐外館(處)等機關核發外籍學生居留簽證時,如何認定健檢報告是否為合格? When issuing resident visas to foreign students, how do the Ministry of Foreign Affair’s embassies and missions abroad verify the validity of the medical examination report? 2021-01-15 835