

Network for International Student Advisors

大專校院境外學生輔導人員支援體系計畫-資訊交流平台- 常見問答FAQ

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  • 常見問答FAQ
  • ::: 法令修改後港澳生首次線上申請居留證時需上傳「香港澳門居民申請居留定居申報書」,惟現行系統內並無特別註明上傳位置,導致遭審查需補正,影響申辦時效及增加審查人員業務量,建議系統能予調整修正,俾利加速行政效能。 After amending the law, HK and Macao students must upload the "Declaration Form for Hong Kong and Macao Residents Applying for Residence and Settlement" when applying for Resident Certificate online for the first time. However, the current system does not specify upload location, which results in a need to provide supplemental materials when under review, affects the application time frame, and increases reviewers' workload. The system should be adjusted to help speed up administrative efficiency.