

Network for International Student Advisors

大專校院境外學生輔導人員支援體系計畫-資訊交流平台- 常見問答FAQ

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  • 常見問答FAQ
  • ::: 移民署線上申辦居留證,因需掃描各項證件(如護照、舊居留證、照片、申請書或委託書等)上傳,若為團體報到,一次數十人或上百人,學校實難負荷批次申辦,建請遇大量送件時,仍能以臨櫃辦理。 The National Immigration Agency online application for Alien Resident Certificate requires documents (such as passport, old alien resident certificate, photos, application forms or letter of authorization) to be scanned and uploaded. If applicants are registering as a group of dozens or hundreds at a time, it would be difficult for universities to batch process the application. Therefore, for a large batch of documents, it is recommended that applications be conducted in person at the counters.