

Network for International Student Advisors


::: 因疫情的關係,港澳生體檢一個月內完成居留證申請,時間上有點趕,隔離滿21天第22天才能到醫院體檢,體檢報告需隔週才能拿到。不知道是否有可能提早拿到體檢報告或者延長辦理居留證期限。 Due to the pandemic, HK and Macao applicants must complete Alien Resident Certificates application within one month after health checks. The time is a bit rushed. After 21 days of quarantine, one can only get a health check on the 22nd day. Health reports can be obtained a week later. Is it possible to get the healthy report earlier or extend the application timeframe for Resident Certificates?