

Network for International Student Advisors

大專校院境外學生輔導人員支援體系計畫-資訊交流平台- 公告

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  • ::: 檔案 : 透過「全球專業實習聯盟平臺」(Global Internship Facilitation of Taiwan, GIFT)提早培養職場能力
    2020-01-15 00:00
    你有沒有想過,畢業後10年、20年、30年後的你會是甚麼樣子?是否嚮往在台灣工作? 會不會擔心好不容易應徵上的工作,其實是個雷,發現工作內容不是你喜歡的,工作氛圍讓人難以適應?其實這些疑惑都是始於不夠了解自己。善用企業實習的資源,可以幫助你更加了解自己。
    在此與各位分享「全球專業實習聯盟平臺」(Global Internship Facilitation of Taiwan, GIFT),它是一個連結學校、企業與學生之間的線上人才媒合平臺,讓台灣各大學校院的在學生藉由企業實習機會,提早培養職場能力,有效地協助產業界培育未來潛在的員工。此平臺免費開放給企業與全台大學校院各科系在學生、僑外生與30歲以下青年使用。如今已有300企業在此平臺提供實習機會。

    您可以掃描附件「加入GIFT指南」之QR code、關鍵字搜尋「GIFT實習」或直接輸入網址「https://www.gift.org.tw」即可連結到GIFT平臺。點選學生註冊,輸入個人資料,即可成為「準會員」,查看企業實習資訊。填上自傳、經歷、上傳相關證明取得「一般會員」身分,即可主動向企業投遞履歷。若是企業在人才庫中看到您的經歷,覺得您很優秀,也會主動發面試邀約給您,您可以登入平臺查看企業資訊。




    Where do you see yourself 10 years after graduation? 20 years after graduation? 30 years after graduation? Do you wish to extend your stay in Taiwan by securing permanent employment? Are you unsure about your future career prospects? Are you worried that the job you worked so hard to secure turns out to be a nightmare, where uninteresting work and an unfriendly environment make you question yourself? Doubts arise because you do not fully know yourself, and we believe an internship can help you gain a better understanding of your own strengths and weaknesses.
    We would like to introduce you to the
    Global Internship Facilitation of Taiwan (GIFT)—an internship placement platform that connects schools, businesses and students, allowing students to develop job skills through internships and businesses to train future potential employees. This platform is available, free of charge, to businesses, university students (both domestic and international) in Taiwan and young people under the age of 30. Currently, there are 212 companies offering internship positions on the platform.
    You can scan the QR code in the attached instructions, search the keywords “GIFT internship” or go to the website
    https://www.gift.org.tw to access the GIFT platform. Click on “Student Registration” and enter your basic information, and you will immediately be able to browse open positions on the platform. You become a full member once you complete your personal profile and upload all relevant documents. As a full member, you can submit your resume to apply for internships, and your profile will be visible to employers, who may invite you to interview if they feel you are a good fit for an internship.
    "The company is evaluating you during your internship, but you are also evaluating the company at same time.” Only by finding the perfect stage to demonstrate your talents can you lead a fulfilling life. We invite you to register as a member of GIFT and get a head start in your career planning. For those who are interested, please refer to the attached file or contact project manager Ariel Chen at 04-23590121 extension 35527 or
    GIFT  FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/-502730843146979/
    GIFT Marketing Contest,Prize money of NT$100,000 for the champion  http://intern.thu.edu.tw/web/news/detail.php?cid=10&id=132
