

Network for International Student Advisors


問題分類 身分別 問題 發佈日期 人氣
健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外國學生持舊健保卡,但有更新ARC的證號,移民署公告說仍可持舊卡就醫。但近期實務上遇到許多位學生反映,就醫時院所要求他們更換新卡才能使用。 想確認目前的政策和狀態是如何?(同仁致電去健保署,承辦告知需要更換,也是免費,不用工本費200元。) 2023-07-04 164
在臺生活 Life Style 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao,陸生 Mainland Chinese Student 外籍生被網路性霸凌但非由當事人反映時,師長可以怎麼協助?有強制的方式可以幫助被害者嗎? 2023-07-04 151
簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 新進僑生線上申請居留證遇到電腦操作問題,欲撥打系統諮詢專線02-27967162時,始終處於佔線無法接通,不得已只好臨櫃至現場辦理。 敬請移民署於開學期間,增設系統諮詢專線,以利即時解決學生問題。Newly arrived Overseas Chinese students run into operational issues on system, but always encounter a busy line when they call the system hotline 02-27967162 for help, forcing them to seek assistance in person. Could the National Immigration Agency please install additional consultation phone lines to better assist students in resolving their issues on the spot? 2023-03-01 389
簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 居留證延期提醒除紙本外,可否增加簡訊及電子郵件提醒? In addition to hard copy reminders to extend resident visas, is it possible to add text message and email reminders as well? 2023-03-01 227
簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 可否延長拿英國國民(海外)護照(BNO)或葡萄牙護照的港澳生居留申請期限?​Is it possible to extend the residency application period for students from Hong Kong and Macau holding British National (Overseas) passports or Portuguese passports? 2023-03-01 224
簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student 印尼駐臺辦事處只開放1個月的護照更新時間,且總是排很長的隊。 但居留證(ARC)會在更新護照的過程中逾期,可以怎麼做?是否需要付更多罰款? The Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei only allows one month for passport renewals with constant long lines. What can one do when their alien resident certificate (ARC) expires during the passport renewal period? Are they required to pay an additional fine? 2023-03-01 238
簽證/居留證 Visa and ARC 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 線上申請居留證得否增設多國語言? Will there be more languages provided for online alien residency applications? 2023-03-01 269
健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 全民健保快易通APP只能用月租型門號登入或是需要讀卡機,對僑外生較不便利。 The National Health Insurance mobile app is only operable from phones with monthly mobile plans or require a card reader, making it inconvenient for Overseas Chinese students and foreign students. 2023-03-01 267
健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student 健保署表示舊證號也可使用,但學生到醫院就醫,卻被要求更換新的健保卡。 請健保署向醫院宣導舊證號的健保卡也可以使用。 According to the National Health Insurance Agency, NHI card with old ARC numbers can be used, but students are asked to renew their cards when seeking health services at hospitals. Please ask the NHIA to spread the message to hospitals to ensure that old card numbers remain valid. 2023-03-01 242
健保/保險 Health and Insurance 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 持舊證號健保卡打了第1劑及第2劑疫苗,第3劑時已換成新證號。 用新健保卡打第3劑疫苗時,無法讀取前2劑的資料,請問新舊證號資料是否尚無介接? After receiving their first and second Covid-19 vaccination shots with an old NHI card number, an individual renewed their card and received their third vaccination shot with a new number. When using the new NHI card for the third vaccination shot, the system was unable to retrieve the information for the first two shots. Is there currently no continuity for information stored on the two cards? 2023-03-01 209