

Network for International Student Advisors

大專校院境外學生輔導人員支援體系計畫-資訊交流平台- 常見問答FAQ

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    來臺就學 General Questions and Admissions 僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 如果讀了3年大學,覺得不適合自己,可不可以退學後再重新申請大一(海聯招/單招),重新申請新的大學和科系? If a student begins reconsidering their undergraduate major after three years of studying, is it possible to withdraw and apply to a new university and program via the University Entrance For Overseas Chinese Students or the university directly? 2023-03-01 225
    新型冠狀病毒 COVID-19 Prevention 僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student 僑委會補助111年度僑生新生防疫旅宿費用,但學生申請時遺失飯店收據,請問是否還能申請? The Overseas Community Affairs Council provides subsidization for new Overseas Chinese students arriving in 2022, but some students have found that they have lost their hotel receipt when applying. Will they still be allowed to apply? 2023-03-01 200
    在臺生活 Life Style 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 關於國際學生居留證優惠,臺鐵公司許多員工都不知道有此項福利,導致國際學生必須帶護照出門,希望可以居留證代替。 Many Taiwan Railway staff are not aware of discounts for international students possessing alien resident status, resulting in the need for students to bring their passports when purchasing tickets. Students are hoping this can be substituted by providing their Alien Resident Certificate. 2023-03-01 231
    新型冠狀病毒 COVID-19 Prevention 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 111學年度專案申請來臺之境外學生,可向政府或教育部等單位申請防疫旅館之住宿補償嗎?Can overseas students who applied to come to Taiwan via the 2022 program apply for quarantine hotel compensation from the government or the Ministry of Education? 2023-03-01 198
    國籍 Residency and Naturalization 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 外國人或無國籍人如何申請歸化中華民國國籍?How do foreigners or stateless persons apply for naturalization of Republic of China citizenship? 2023-01-01 942
    來臺就學 General Questions and Admissions 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 僑生、港澳生與外國學生身分有何區別? 2023-01-01 954
    來臺就學 General Questions and Admissions 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 香港學生畢業後留臺工作,之後再回學校就讀碩士在職專班,那他的身分是港澳生還是一般生? An HK student stays in Taiwan to work after graduation and goes back to university for an in-service master's program. Is the student an HK/Macau student or an ordinary student? 2022-06-29 490
    來臺就學 General Questions and Admissions 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student 僑生學測沒有加分,但分科測驗(指考)有加分,請問學測也可以加分嗎?因為108課綱的題型對僑生不利,題目文字太長,難以理解,建議能夠加分。 Overseas Chinese students can't receive extra points in the General Scholastic Ability Test, but there are extra points for Advanced Subjects Test. Can extra points be given for the General Scholastic Ability Test? The types of problems from the 108 syllabi aren't designed for overseas Chinese students, the questions are too long and difficult to understand. It is recommended to add extra points. 2022-06-29 436
    畢業後留臺工作 Staying in Taiwan for Employment 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao,陸生 Mainland Chinese Student 目前就讀物理治療學系,考試皆以英文作答,未來若要報考「專門職業及技術人員」考試需以中文作答,請問是否有彈性調整的作法? I'm currently studying Physical Therapy, the exams are in English. If I want to take the "Professional and Technical" Examination" in the future, the test will be in Chinese. Is there any flexibility? 2022-06-29 426
    其他 Other 外國學生 Foreign Student,僑生 Overseas Compatriot Student,港澳生 Students from Hong Kong and Macao 在臺灣待滿幾年後可以獲得臺灣的身分證? How many years of living in Taiwan before I can obtain a Taiwan ID card? 2022-06-29 468